Summer harvest tomato sauce

Summer harvest tomato sauce


  • super ripe summer tomatoes
  • brown onions at a ratio of 1 onion : 4-5 large tomatoes
  • garlic cloves 1 large garlic clove per onion
  • green peppers 3 green peppers per 8-9 tomatoes (1:3 ratio)
  • red peppers at a ratio of 1 red to every 3 green
  • salt & pepper to taste, or leave unseasoned
  • oregano dried and/or fresh
  • basil, finely chopped better fresh, but dried if necessary
  • fresh parsley optional, I tend to leave it out
  • extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • 1-2 T apple cider or red wine vinegar per pot of sauce optional, I like the flavour and ensures desired acidity for canning is achieved


  • In a food processor, blend the onions and garlic until they reach a fine chop consistency.
  • Use the sauté function of the instant pot. Once preheated on high, pour a dash of olive oil and add the finely chopped onions and garlic.
    Sweat for a few minutes.
    Add water or a bit of the pureed tomatoes as needed to avoid browning!
  • While the onions are cooking, wash and core tomatoes and peppers.
  • In the blender (not food processor!) blend in batches (as many tomatoes as can fit, 3-4 green peppers and 1 red pepper) until a smooth puree consistency is achieved (seeds and skins included).
  • Once onions and garlic have softened (πήραν μια βράση) pour the tomato puree in the instant pot and cook down to desired thickness. If tomatoes are watery this will take some time.
  • Towards the end of cooking add any dried and fresh herbs and olive oil.
  • Prepare jars by washing them in warm soapy water and drying in 100℃ oven for 10-15 minutes.
    For Weck and Le Parfait jars, warm the rubber seals in hot water to soften.
  • Fill jars to the lip, wipe rim with paper towel dipped in water or vinegar, place lid and immediately flip upside down to seal.
    This has worked with standard screw-lid jars, Le Parfait jars and Weck jars but make sure the sauce is still piping hot/ boiling when the jars are filled!
  • For Weck and Le Parfait jars, a seal is achieved when all clips are removed and the jar can be lifted just by the lid. Especially for Weck, also when the tongue of the sealing rubber is pointing down. To open jar, simply pull the rubber tongue outward to let air in.
    For screw-lid jars, the raised ring in the middle of the lid must be sucked inwards and a pop sound will be heard.
  • Store after removing all metal clips from both Le Parfait and Weck type jars to notice any broken seals.

Water bath process

  • If planning to process in water bath, leave about 2 cm headspace when filling jars, then boil submerged in water up to the neck (to prevent siphoning) for 10 minutes.






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